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Brukernavn: ripmom04
Besøk: 312
Medlem siden: 2009-12-02
Online status: Avlogget, sist sett 2012-09-09
Jeg spiller mest: Spar - spilt 1733 ganger
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Klikk for å se alle 58 turneringer vunnet
Spar2010-05-17 4 joppe97Farget Yatzy2010-05-17 4 liana_puzSpar2010-05-14 4 joppe97
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Spar 891 / 834 0 Farget Yatzy 167 / 137 535 Yamb 133 / 61 1850 Bandit Bingo 46 / 37 0 Ludo 36 / 32 0 Pyramide 15 / 18 0 Trippel yatzy 5 / 1 2253 Backgammon 2 / 0 12 Super Ludo 1 / 0 0 Yatzy 0 / 1 313 Chitris 0 / 0 0 Puzzle 0 / 0 0 Bandit racing 0 / 0 0 Power Yatzy 0 / 0 0 Jingo 0 / 0 0 Pyramide Plus 0 / 0 0
Hi I'm from Ohio I like to play Spades,Ptd ,Yamb and sometimes Ludo...Good Luck to all in your games... .I have meet alot of friendly people on here and funny too ...Thank You all for welcoming me here.
just dropping by to wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year
heyyyyyyyyyyyy girlfriend we be lucky here eh??? hahahaha xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
rippooooooooooooooooo what u doing in norway lol. well after canada beats usa tonight i could see why u wanted to move xo oz