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Brukernavn: dee, 44 years
Besøk: 978
Medlem siden: 2006-12-06
Online status: Avlogget, sist sett 2024-12-14
Jeg spiller mest: Ludo - spilt 350 ganger
Bursdag: 1979-12-25
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Klikk for å se alle 27 turneringer vunnet
Ludo2015-01-15 4 reblolLudo2015-01-15 4 rødtoppFarget Yatzy2015-01-15 4 liana_puz
Klikk for å se mer
Ludo 156 / 154 0 Backgammon 106 / 202 92 Farget Yatzy 148 / 158 566 Yatzy 98 / 114 468 Chitris 34 / 87 94 Puzzle 4 / 20 432 Spar 6 / 17 0 Yamb 9 / 13 1688 Power Yatzy 1 / 2 902 Pyramide 0 / 2 0 Trippel yatzy 1 / 0 2359 Super Ludo 0 / 1 0 Bandit racing 0 / 0 0 Bandit Bingo 0 / 0 0 Jingo 0 / 0 0 Pyramide Plus 0 / 0 0 Block Bandit 0 / 0 0 Texas Hold 'em 0 / 0 0
Hey there my name is Deborah but most people know me as Dee (1) I live in the South Island of New Zealand
I like to play most of the games in here some better than others and win or lose im here to have fun not for drama
I have made lots of friends in here im sure you all know who you are and if not im sure i will see you in a game at some point :-) here or in ob Int :-)
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Heya Deee & ChurchTown :D i Just Love to Play BG with you so i wish you was here more often!!! <3
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Best of luck for 2009!
Merry Christmas <3